Meherpur district is most vulnerable area in the country due to bad impact of climate changing. The environment of the area becoming unbearable and threat for the human being and the ecology. For sustainable sound environment SUBAH has taken forestation program and in the mean while it created 30 km green garden by planting different timber, fruit bearing and medicinal trees.
The government of Bangladesh has given the Prime Minister’s National Award for Planting.
1. Working experiences in the working areas :
SUBAH social development organization has been working to protect dissertation of the country and implement forestation program to alleviate poverty since 2001. As a result of good work in the forestation, SUBAH social development organization has received Prime Minister Trophy in 2012 – 2014. SUBAH support the govt. slogan “plant more trees and save the country” and has taken massive forestation program in order to ensure green revaluation. SUBAH implemented social forestry program by both side of the 20 k.m. road of Meherpur – Chuadanga owned by the Meherpur District council. It had taken lease from the District council of Meherpur. The social forestry program is implemented by the funding support Bangladesh NGO Foundation.
The ultimate objective of the social forestry is to ensure sustainable environment and alleviate poverty from the society. Hard core poor female, people with disabilities and marginalized people are the owner of the social forest. 4000 mango trees, 28000 wooden trees, 2000 medicinal plant planted beside the above mentioned road. Around 95% trees are growing well and alive. After maturity the people who involved will get the benefit.
SUBAH also planted 1000 fruit trees, 3000 wooden trees and 1000 medicinal plant beside the 6 k.m. road side which is women by Amjupi union parishad. It has taken leased from the Amjupi union parishad for social forestry. All those initiatives have been taken for the sustainable environment so that people could enjoy healthy environment which will also protect adverse effect on climate change.